Source code for apt_mirror_updater.backends.debian

# Automated, robust apt-get mirror selection for Debian and Ubuntu.
# Author: Peter Odding <>
# Last Change: April 15, 2020
# URL:

Discovery of Debian package archive mirrors.

Here are references to some of the material that I've needed to consult while
working on this module:

- `Notes about sources.list on the Debian wiki <>`_
- `The Debian backports webpages <>`_
- `Documentation about the "proposed-updates" mechanism <>`_

# Standard library modules.
import logging

# External dependencies.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from humanfriendly import Timer
from humanfriendly.text import format, pluralize

# Modules included in our package.
from apt_mirror_updater import CandidateMirror, mirrors_are_equal
from apt_mirror_updater.http import fetch_url

LTS_ARCHITECTURES = ('i386', 'amd64', 'armel', 'armhf')
"""The names of the architectures supported by the Debian LTS team (a tuple of strings)."""

    'jessie': 1593468000,  # 2020-06-30
    'stretch': 1656540000,  # 2022-06-30
A dictionary with `Debian LTS`_ releases and their EOL dates.

This is needed because distro-info-data_ doesn't contain information
about Debian LTS releases but nevertheless ````
doesn't adopt a release until the LTS status expires (this was
originally reported in `issue #5`_).

.. _Debian LTS:
.. _issue #5:

"""The URL of the HTML page listing all primary Debian mirrors (a string)."""

"""The base URL of the Debian mirror with security updates (a string)."""

"""The URL where EOL (end of life) Debian releases are hosted (a string)."""

DEFAULT_SUITES = 'release', 'security', 'updates'
"""A tuple of strings with the Debian suites that are enabled by default."""

VALID_COMPONENTS = 'main', 'contrib', 'non-free'
"""A tuple of strings with the names of the components available in the Debian package repositories."""

VALID_SUITES = 'release', 'security', 'updates', 'backports', 'proposed-updates'
"""A tuple of strings with the names of the suites available in the Debian package repositories."""

# Initialize a logger for this module.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def discover_mirrors(): """ Discover available Debian mirrors by querying :data:`MIRRORS_URL`. :returns: A set of :class:`.CandidateMirror` objects that have their :attr:`~.CandidateMirror.mirror_url` property set. :raises: If no mirrors are discovered an exception is raised. An example run: >>> from apt_mirror_updater.backends.debian import discover_mirrors >>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint(discover_mirrors()) set([CandidateMirror(mirror_url=''), CandidateMirror(mirror_url=''), CandidateMirror(mirror_url=''), CandidateMirror(mirror_url=''), CandidateMirror(mirror_url=''), CandidateMirror(mirror_url=''), CandidateMirror(mirror_url=''), CandidateMirror(mirror_url=''), CandidateMirror(mirror_url=''), CandidateMirror(mirror_url=''), ...]) """ timer = Timer()"Discovering Debian mirrors at %s ..", MIRRORS_URL) data = fetch_url(MIRRORS_URL, retry=True) soup = BeautifulSoup(data, 'html.parser') tables = soup.findAll('table') if not tables: raise Exception("Failed to locate <table> element in Debian mirror page! (%s)" % MIRRORS_URL) mirrors = set(CandidateMirror(mirror_url=a['href']) for a in tables[0].findAll('a', href=True)) if not mirrors: raise Exception("Failed to discover any Debian mirrors! (using %s)" % MIRRORS_URL)"Discovered %s in %s.", pluralize(len(mirrors), "Debian mirror"), timer) return mirrors
[docs]def generate_sources_list(mirror_url, codename, suites=DEFAULT_SUITES, components=VALID_COMPONENTS, enable_sources=False): """ Generate the contents of ``/etc/apt/sources.list`` for a Debian system. :param mirror_url: The base URL of the mirror (a string). :param codename: The codename of a Debian release (a string like 'wheezy' or 'jessie') or a Debian release class (a string like 'stable', 'testing', etc). :param suites: An iterable of strings (defaults to :data:`DEFAULT_SUITES`, refer to :data:`VALID_SUITES` for details). :param components: An iterable of strings (refer to :data:`VALID_COMPONENTS` for details). :param enable_sources: :data:`True` to include ``deb-src`` entries, :data:`False` to omit them. :returns: The suggested contents of ``/etc/apt/sources.list`` (a string). """ # Validate the suites. invalid_suites = [s for s in suites if s not in VALID_SUITES] if invalid_suites: msg = "Invalid Debian suite(s) given! (%s)" raise ValueError(msg % invalid_suites) # Validate the components. invalid_components = [c for c in components if c not in VALID_COMPONENTS] if invalid_components: msg = "Invalid Debian component(s) given! (%s)" raise ValueError(msg % invalid_components) # Generate the /etc/apt/sources.list file contents. lines = [] directives = ('deb', 'deb-src') if enable_sources else ('deb',) for suite in suites: for directive in directives: lines.append(format( '{directive} {mirror} {suite} {components}', directive=directive, mirror=(OLD_RELEASES_URL if mirrors_are_equal(mirror_url, OLD_RELEASES_URL) else (SECURITY_URL if suite == 'security' else mirror_url)), suite=(codename if suite == 'release' else ( ('%s/updates' % codename if suite == 'security' else codename + '-' + suite))), components=' '.join(components), )) return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs]def get_eol_date(updater): """ Override the EOL date for `Debian LTS`_ releases. :param updater: The :class:`~apt_mirror_updater.AptMirrorUpdater` object. :returns: The overridden EOL date (a number) or :data:`None`. """ if updater.architecture in LTS_ARCHITECTURES: return LTS_RELEASES.get(updater.distribution_codename)